Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

Wednesday, December 14, 2016 by: 

Image: The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

(Natural News) Oh, the theory of vaccines sounds great. Inject a tiny bit of the live virus into your blood so you can build antibodies and thus immunity against the “real deal” later. If that’s all there was to it, it could actually work. Then there’s the fear mongering that’s thoroughly “inflamed” and propagated by the press, pharma, and the medical doctors of quack Western medicine. This is where the real money is made. If you get measles you could die! If you get polio you’ll surely be paralyzed for life! If you get Zika, your baby’s head will be shrunken and deformed!
Yet, what if you found out today that the worst odds you or your children have of being infected with disease, disorder, and deformity exist in getting injected repeatedly with neurotoxins, genetically modified bacteria, live experimental strains of multiple viruses and pesticides? Consider this: not one single vaccine ever produced that is recommended by the CDC today has ever been proven safe or effective. Why? They don’t have to prove it. All they have to do is scare the living hell out of everyone using propaganda, and it’s worked for 75 years.

Presenting the 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans without any proof of safety or efficacy

#1. Gardasil HPV – Forget for a moment the fact that many girls who get the HPV vaccine beginning at age 9 for a sexually transmitted disease (diseases they don’t have) go into immediate anaphylactic shock and some into comas and die, and let’s just talk about the insane boatload of chemicals the manufacturers put in this concoction that belong nowhere in medicine, ever, especially that which is injected directly into muscle tissue and that which can penetrate the blood/brain barrier. Plus, remember to triple the amounts of these carcinogenic, dangerous, ludicrous chemical ingredients of Gardasil, because there are 3 of these toxic jabs required.
First we have sodium borate at 35mcg. Also known as “borax,” this is the main poisonous ingredient in boric acid that’s used to kill cockroaches. Is your little girl a cockroach? Is it coincidence that the side effects listed and reported with the Gardasil vaccine match those of sodium borate poisoning? No, it’s not a coincidence. Did you know that anything imported into the European Union that contains borax must carry a warning label stating, “May damage fertility” and “May damage the unborn child.” This is what America “recommends” for preteen and teenage girls who are just reaching the age of fertility. Unbelievable!
Then, Gardasil HPV contains aluminum at 225mcg, which causes nerve cell death and helps the vaccine chemicals enter the brain. Let’s not forget that Gardasil HPV contains polysorbate 80 at 50mcg. Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier in foods, but when injected into animals (such as humans), causes rapid, unnatural growth of reproductive organs, causing sterility. This is population control through vaccines, just as Bill Gates once said at a TED conference would be ideal for reducing the world’s population by a few billion. Polysorbate 80 is what causes the anaphylactic shock and also causes cancer and birth defects, while we’re on that topic. Sorry, but there’s not enough time to talk about the sodium chloride at nearly 10mcg.
#2. Anthrax vaccine (biothrax) – The dreaded anthrax jab contains aluminum hydroxide, formaldehyde (yes, embalming fluid for the dead), and benzethonium chloride. In 2009, a study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry stated that aluminum hydroxide could be the primary cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Aluminum hydroxide causes apoptosis of motor neurons, leading to dementia. Go figure. Thousands of US soldiers given the mandatory anthrax jab are still sick or have died. It was never approved by the FDA, yet any soldier refusing it got dishonorably discharged, fines, and possible prison time. President Clinton’s executive order 13139 gave the DoD permission to experiment on the US military with the highly dangerous anthrax concoction.
#3. MMR II – Under Appendix B, listed on the CDC website, you can find the ingredients for the MMR (MMR-II), the combination vaccines that contain recombinant human albumin, sorbitol, hydrolized gelatin, chick (egg) embryo cell culture, human diploid lung fibroblasts, and fetal bovine serum, among other certain preservatives and chemical adjuvants. In the “ProQuad” version, or MMRV (w/vericella for chicken pox), they’ve added monosodium L-glutamate, neomycin, and MRC-5 cells. And although measles is a respiratory disease accompanied by an uncomfortable rash and fever illness that anyone with a normal immune system will likely survive, the media scares the public into getting jabbed with neurotoxins.
Sorbitol is a synthetic sweetener which metabolizes very slowly and aggravates IBS and gastrointestinal issues. Fetal bovine cow serum is extracted from cow skin and when injected causes connective tissue disorders, arthritis and lupus; also shortness of breath, low blood pressure, chest pain and skin reactions. Sodium chloride raises blood pressure and inhibits muscle contraction and growth. Human albumin is the protein portion of blood from pooled human venous plasma and when injected causes fever, chills, hives, rash, headache, nausea, breathing difficulty, and rapid heart rate. Injecting “pooled blood” can result in a loss of body cell mass and cause immunodeficiency virus infection, or contain SV40, AIDS, cancer or Hepatitis B from drug addicts. Still want that MMR vaccine? Didn’t think so.
#4. Swine Flu –  This loaded nightmare hoax vaccine contains inactivated H1N1 virus propagated in embryonated chicken eggs. The multi-dose vials contain over 24mcg of mercury per .5 ml dose! The jab also contains antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin that annihilate good gut bacteria, making the immune system highly vulnerable to infection. Add in some fluid from chicken eggs and you have one of the most experimental jabs ever created and a hoax perpetuated by WHO, GSK and the CDC to profit in the billions.
#5. Polio – This psycho-jab contains inactivated monkey kidney cells, newborn calf serum, embalming fluid, antibiotics, and bovine albumin. Salk didn’t invent the cure for polio–he invented new strains of it by haphazardly combining several. Get the facts!
#6. Influenza vaccine (a.k.a. the flu shot) – Specifically, the “FluLaval” flu shot contains 25 mcg of mercury in one jab. The EPA safety limit for drinking water? Just 5 mcg. Do the math, then consider that shots bypass digestion, breathing, and skin filters. Common flu jabs also contain formaldehyde and polysorbate 80.
#7. RotaTeq for Rotavirus – Three oral doses of this Merck-made horror story cost about $200 and are mandated for about four million infants every year. Rotavirus vaccine contains 5 live strains, plus some fetal bovine serum and porcine circovirus–a volatile and dangerous virus that infects pigs. Side effects of RotaTeq? Difficulty breathing, vomiting and ear infection, followed by bloody stool. Then the intestines get blocked and twisted (known as intussusception) which can be deadly and requires surgery on infant’s intestines. Be sure and call your doctor right away if your child dies from RotaTeq.

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