Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Ruling on Healthcare

The Supreme Court Ruling
The Supreme Court today, said Congress was acting within its powers under the Constitution when it required most Americans to carry health insurance or pay a penalty. It upheld the mandate as a tax, in an opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts.
No matter where you stand on this attempted reform of our nation's healthcare system, this ruling will more than likely lead to changes for many of us.  For members of the medical profession, this has been confusing and sometimes frustrating trying to keep abreast of the changes that are taking place.

In an effort to make sense of what this means for all of us, I borrowed this question and answer piece from the Wall Street Journal:

Q: Does this mean the health overhaul law is in place for good?

The decision effectively upholds the law for now, but its future depends on which party controls the White House and Congress after elections in November. President Barack Obama and most Democrats consider the law a signature achievement and want to move forward implementing it. Republicans, including presumptive presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have pledged to overturn it. They say they would offer an alternative proposal but haven't been specific about what it would include.

Q: What happens to any benefits I already get because of the law?

A: They will stay in place for now. Parents will still be able to keep their children on their insurance plans up to age 26, and Medicare recipients will keep getting discounts on prescription drugs to close a gap in coverage known as the "doughnut hole." New levies under the law, such as the 10% tax on tanning services, also stay put.
Q: When will I see the big changes from the law?

Most of the mandates don't start until 2014. That is when most Americans will be required to carry insurance or pay the penalty at issue in the Supreme Court case. The penalty will start at $95 a year or up to 1% of a person's income, whichever is greater.
Tens of millions of Americans are expected to get insurance coverage under the system that starts in 2014. Some of the poorest Americans will become newly qualified to enroll in the federal-state Medicaid program—although the court appeared to make some changes to how that program will work. Another batch of people who earn more but still have low incomes will get tax credits to offset their insurance costs. Consumers will be able to comparison shop for policies in newly created exchanges that will operate like popular online travel websites.

Insurance companies will have to sell coverage to everyone, regardless of their medical history, and will have to restrict how much they vary premiums based on age. Companies with 50 workers or more will be required to offer insurance to their workers or pay a penalty.

Q: What if I already have insurance?

A: You may see changes to your plan. Unless your employer has "grandfathered" your insurance benefits' structure, your plan will have to meet new regulations under the law, such as covering more preventive services without out-of-pocket costs. There has been speculation that some employers will stop offering coverage and funnel workers toward exchanges once they open, but most companies say they have no immediate plans to do that.

Q: What will happen to my insurance premiums?

Most consumers can expect to keep seeing increases in premiums and co-payments because the underlying cost of health care is expected to rise. The law contains a few mechanisms to curb premiums, but it also requires that many insurance providers make their benefits more generous, which will raise their cost. Older people could see their premiums go down because of the new age rating rules insurers will face. People who buy policies without the help of an employer could get a better deal by being able to shop on the exchanges, where comparing plans will be easier than before.
[More from Supreme Court Upholds Mandate as Tax]

What This Means For Chiropractic
"Obamacare" has led many people to jump to conclusions and rumors have spread of the supposed implications of the law.  While many of the changes will not take place until 2014 (assuming the Republicans do not gain enough political might to overturn it) it is in all of our best interests to understand what will take place when that time comes.  There has been an incessant complaint that besides taxpayers being required to purchase health insurance, the type of medical care that the insurance industry will cover will be reduced to only conventional medicine and pharmaceutical coverage.  The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), like many medical associations in the US, has been closely following the legal process and issued this statement after the ruling was made public:

June 28, 2012  

Patient Choice Essential to Real Health Care Reform

Patients' Right to Choose Treatment and Provider Will Cut Costs, Improve Quality of Care
Arlington, Va.--The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) remains committed to advocating for the rights of patients to choose the provider and treatments they feel are best suited for them, following the Supreme Court's decision today upholding the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). Allowing patients to choose providers who offer less expensive, conservative treatments is one important way to both reduce health care costs and address the growing primary care shortage in this country.

In respect to patient choice, today's decision means that the provider non-discrimination provision within PPACA remains intact. This part of the law makes it illegal for health plans and insurers to discriminate against health care providers based solely on their license. For patients, this means they can visit the provider of their choice for the type of treatment they desire, as long as the service is covered by their health plan.

Patients are becoming more aware of the downsides of over reliance on prescription drugs and the premature use of surgery for common health conditions such as low-back pain. These treatments also come with high price tags. For example, many patients prefer to utilize doctors of chiropractic (DCs), who offer drug-free, non-surgical options. Further, the services provided by DCs have been proven to be effective and less costly than traditional medical care.

Ensuring provider choice can also help the country address the growing shortage of primary care physicians. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, by 2015 the U.S. will face a shortage of more than 60,000 physicians across primary care, surgical and medical specialties. To meet the needs of the public, every qualified health care provider will have to practice to the fullest extent of his or her scope of practice. Enabling patients to seek primary care services from doctors of chiropractic and other non-MD/DO providers who are qualified to provide these services will help take some of the strain off the health care system.

"As our nation continues in its quest to improve the health care system, it will need to look at options outside the status quo," said ACA President Keith Overland, DC. "Doctors of chiropractic can provide conservative primary care that saves money. ACA will continue to work with legislators to ensure that health reform is implemented in a responsible way that removes artificial barriers to patients' choices."

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA), based in Arlington, Va., is the largest professional association in the United States representing doctors of chiropractic. ACA promotes the highest standards of patient care and ethics, and supports research that contributes to the health and well-being of millions of chiropractic patients. Visit

In Summary
Today's ruling may or may not have surprised you but it will bring changes to all of us in the near future.  My advice is to be vigilant in following this topic and making any and all attempts to understand the changes that may come about for you and your family.  As of now, current health plans should not change and as long your insurance provider offers coverage for non-traditional healthcare then nothing will change for you.

We at Family Chiropractic's Wellness will do our best keep you abreast of any changes that we are aware of as we muddle through this process. 

As always; Be Well.

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