Monday, April 23, 2012

Why You Need Chiropractic If You Are Pregnant

Pain Relief During Pregnancy
Many women experience pain and discomfort throughout pregnancy and following the birth of a child. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment provides relief for many expectant mothers.

The most common symptom reported during pregnancy is low back pain. In fact, in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology one study indicated that over one-half of all pregnant women experience significant low back pain. Other symptoms that tend to occur during pregnancy and respond well to chiropractic care include:
The most common cause of low back pain during pregnancy is a condition known as “sacroiliac joint dysfunction” or “sacroiliac subluxation”. Subluxation is a Latin term meaning “partial dislocation”.

The pelvis consists of three bones that move thanks to 3 separate joints. Two of these joints are located at the rear of the pelvis (left and right sacroiliac joints) while the 3rd is located at the front of the pelvis called the pubic symphysis (a symphysis is a type of joint). Without the movement provided by these joints it would be difficult to walk and nearly impossible to run.

As the pregnancy progresses more weight is transferred to the front of the abdomen. The mother must often lean backwards to counter this if she doesn’t wish to topple over! This constant, abnormal pressure on the joints of the pelvis can lead to significant dysfunction and pain.

The most effective way to alleviate this pain is to restore healthy motion and alignment to the pelvic joints. Chiropractic treatment is the method of choice to naturally correct sacroiliac joint function without the need for potentially harmful medication. In fact, studies show that 90% of pregnant patients experience relief for their low back pain following chiropractic treatment
In one study 11 women meeting the criteria for sacroiliac joint dysfunction were treated with chiropractic treatment of the sacroiliac joints. After chiropractic therapy, 10 of the 11 women (91%) had relief of pain and no longer exhibited signs of sacroiliac joint dysfunction.

Research shows chiropractic treatment can greatly reduce delivery time

Chiropractic researcher Dr. Joan Fallon conducted studies that showed a 24% reduction in average labor time for first-time mothers who received Chiropractic care, and 39% reduction for women who were delivering for the second or third time. This is achieved by improving pelvic joint function and flexibility to prepare the body for the eventual delivery.

Less Painful Labor
During a “natural” vaginal delivery, the pelvis must be able to expand and allow the baby passage through the pelvis and birth canal. Stiff or dysfunctional pelvic joints (sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphysis mentioned above) hinder this process causing unnecessary pain and prolonging labor.

However, a study conducted by Irvin Henderson MD, a trustee of the American Medical Association, concluded that pregnant women who received Chiropractic care during their 3rd trimester were able to carry and deliver with more comfort.

Further studies conducted by orthopedic researcher Per Freitag MD showed that analgesics during delivery was reduced by half in pregnant patients under regular Chiropractic care.

In another study 84% of patients receiving chiropractic manipulation reported relief of back pain during pregnancy. There was significantly less likelihood of back labor when spinal manipulative therapy was administered during pregnancy.

In a study of 500 women during labor, 352 experienced pain in the low back during labor, an incidence of 70.4%. Low back pain during was associated with baby presentation. Application of pressure to the low back area during labor reduced the need for major narcotic pain medication and minor tranquilizing medication.

Video Link --> Pregnancy and Chiropractic

What to do now
If you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant make an appointment to see your chiropractor.  The sooner you begin treatments to increase joint flexibility and alleviate pain the better it will be for your pregnancy, labor and delivery.  Call Dr. Hoglund today at 435-232-0732 to schedule an appointment. 

Henderson I. American Medical Association records released in 1987 during trial in U.S. District Court Northern Illinois Eastern Division, No. 76 C 3777, May, 1987
Freitag P. Expert Testimony of P. Freitag MD PhD comparing the results of two neighboring hospitals, U.S. District Court Northern Illinios Eastern Division, No. 76 C 3777 May 1987
Fallon J. The Effect of Chiropractic Treatment on Pregnancy and Labor: A Comprehensive Study. Proceedings of the World Federation of Chiropractic, 1991:24-31

"Sacroiliac subluxation: a common, treatable cause of low-back pain in pregnancy". Daly JM, et al. Family Practice Research Journal, 1991: 11(2) 149-159.

"Back pain during pregnancy and labor". Diakow PR, et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics, 1991: 14(2): 116-118.

"Effect of pressure…for inhibition of lumbar myalgia during labor". Guthrie RA, Martin RH. Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 1982: 82(4): 247-251.


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