Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Silent Epidemic That's Aging You Faster

There is a worldwide problem that you probably aren't aware of. Medical research indicates that it may be a contributing cause of virtually all diseases of aging — and nearly every one of us already has it, whether we know it or not.

I see it far too often in my clinic. Patients come in to see me, worried about common issues that usually worsen with age, like stiff joints, high cholesterol, weight gain, or frequent "senior moments" — all of which can be a cause for concern.

What many of my patients don't realize, however, is that these conditions aren't merely to blame on Father Time. They are oftentimes the result of years of an unchecked condition in the body — one that has no immediate outward symptoms, or in doctor speak, it is asymptomatic.

I'm talking about "silent" inflammation.

You might have heard about the dangers of silent inflammation in recent years, as it's grabbed the front pages of popular magazines like Newsweek and Time. The term is becoming widely recognized as the root cause behind a whole host of health concerns. Left unchecked, it can wreak havoc on your heart, brain, endocrine, and immune systems. Yet, unfortunately, most people don't know how to take action to protect themselves. Why? Well, quite simply, because there are no initial signs.

Inflammation 101

Now, I want to point one thing out: inflammation is not always the enemy. In fact, it can be enormously helpful when it comes to healing wounds and fending off bacteria and viruses in the body. The moment our bodies are under attack by potentially harmful invaders, inflammation marches in to defend any tissue that may have been infected. Under normal conditions, once the job is done, the inflammation retreats, and healing can begin.

The trouble arises, however, when that inflammatory response doesn't "turn off", but rather stays in a con- stant state of alert.

Inflammation is like a small fire in the body. Eventually, if not put out, these ongoing "fires" can cause serious damage to your heart, joints, waistline, accelerate the aging process, and more.

As I explain to my patients, because silent inflammation goes virtually undetected, it can exist in the body for years, if not decades, before it's discovered. But make no mistake, it can be wreaking havoc on the cells of your body all along.
Is it Something You Ate?

So, what's to blame for the spread of this "condition"? In a word: diet. The Western diet is devoid of many vital nutrients and antioxidants and is, instead, packed with processed foods, sugars, and fats that speed up the aging process and work against us in the fight to stay healthy.

It's no wonder "silent" — or low-grade, systemic — inflammation is reaching pandemic levels. The body's natural response to injury is inflammation — and our bodies are on fire!

But it's not all bad news. As Hippocrates himself said more than 2,500 years ago, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." Just as the foods we eat are sometimes at the root of poor health, they can also be the healing solution our bodies crave.

Not surprisingly, that thought applies to silent inflammation as well.

In fact, there is a simple and exciting solution that has tremendous potential to "break the inflammatory cycle" and stop it in its tracks — naturally.

Derived from the ancient Indian spice, turmeric, Curcumin EX is a natural nutritional supplement with potent anti-inflammatory and anti- oxidant properties that help keep cells, organs, and systems healthy and help prevent accelerated aging.

What is Curcumin?

Curcumin occurs naturally as the major antioxidant found in turmeric
— a plant that's a member of the ginger family and native to Southern
India. You might be familiar with turmeric, as it's been used for centuries as a condiment and in both Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine. But, most famously, turmeric is the main ingredient in curry powder and is a staple in the Indian diet. It also happens to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in existence.

In fact, as more and more of the medical community is coming to find, its health benefits are nothing short of amazing.

With the demand for more natural, affordable health solutions increasing, more doctors, like me, have poured over the research on traditional Eastern medicines — particularly those of China and India. Much of the fervor over such research is due to the well-documented fact that several of the diseases common in the United States are far less common in India and other Asian nations. Evidence indicates that, as I talked about earlier, diet is a huge player in that equation.

Much of the food in India, specifically, is seasoned with curry and, of course, contains the antioxidant benefits of curcumin. Yet, sadly, when people from that area of the world come to live in this country and adopt the traditional American diet, within one generation, they too, are confronted with the same health issues that many of us here face.

You Are What You Eat

As I mentioned before, the antioxidants found in curry powder and, specifically, curcumin, play a significant
role in maintaining vibrant health and helping to reduce silentinflammation. Unfortunately, when these individuals' intake of antioxidant-rich curcumin plummeted, their health is directly affected.

There's no "nice" way to tell you this, but I see it every day in my clinic: the way we eat is killing us.

And a change in diet is the first step to reclaiming vibrant health. I do realize, however, that it's unrealistic to ask my readers or patients to completely overhaul their diets in one fell swoop to adopt the healthy elements of an Indian diet. (Your palette — not to mention your stomach — may not agree to that.)

But I can't stress enough how important it is to get the antioxidant support you need to stay clear of silent inflammation and the host of health concerns that accompanies it. With proper nutritional support, it's possible to age gracefully, with less interruption from stiff joints, memory and cardiovascular concerns, and more. And that is something I hope to give to you.

Curcumin EX


Antioxidants: The Body's Natural Heroes

One of the most widely-accepted theories about why we age — and, subsequently, begin to experience more and more health concerns—involves free radicals. These are dangerous molecules that are produced through natural biochemical processes and are also introduced to our bodies by normal environmental factors such as chemicals, pollution, processed foods, prescription medications, and more.

These free radicals are described as "unstable" because they have only one electron, forcing them to travel through the body, disrupting healthy cells in search of electrons to bond with. This cellular activity starts a chain reaction that creates more free radicals, which can wreak havoc, accelerating aging and the problems that tend to come with it.

Fortunately, antioxidants exist to defend your body from these dangerous "rebel cells."

Antioxidants fight free radicals by "donating" electrons to them to stop this destructive cycle and create an environment for good health within the body.

Said more plainly, they go a long way toward keeping your health and your appearance intact. And, as
natural antioxidant production slows with age, it becomes increasingly important to get them from the
foods we eat and, more importantly, from natural supplements like Curcumin.

I recommend Curcumin for two very important reasons:

Reason #1: Today's standard American diet is so highly processed and filled with artificial and inflammatory ingredients that make it nearly impossible to get the nutritional support you need to stay well and prevent chronic inflammation.

Reason #2: As we get older, it becomes even more imperative to do what you can to help minimize free radical activity, calm inflammation, and help ensure that you're able to continue living independently for many more years to come.

Take a look at some of the other benefits
you'll get from a daily dosage of Curcumin

By adding Curcumin to your daily regimen you'll also be taking a giant step toward...

Promoting your cardiovascular health
Helping to keep your joints healthy
Helping to promote your body's natural detoxification processes
Providing antioxidant protection against free radicals
Helping you to maintain normal inflammatory responses
Helping to maintain the health of your cells
Supporting healthy, beautiful aging
Promoting overall good health and vitality

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