Sunday, October 9, 2011

Opposing Views on Milk

Recently we found that our youngest daughter had an intolerance for dairy products.  As an infant, she had many food intolerances.  We removed dairy, soy, citric acid, and virtually all foods but fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains from our diets and the intolerances seemed to go away.  Unfortunately, many of these never really go away and so we struggled for the next two years with our irritable little girl.  It finally dawned on us that we needed to again remove all  dairy products, limit soy, and possibly some grains from her diet.  She is now happy and healthy and we wish we had done this sooner!  Even more recently we have found that she can eat limited amounts of "raw milk" cheese products if they are cooked and so began my search for more information about "raw milk."  This is an article discussing what raw milk is and some of the anecdotal benefits from consuming it.  If you have found that you are lactose intolerant, like 60% of the world population, these articles may be of interest to you.

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